Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The many faces of Grady

Is he naughty?




When you come to our house he will indeed maul you relentlessly.

But out of love.

God forbid you bring a lil one.

He loves lil ones and for reasons unbeknownst to me lil one's ears. He is so persistent. So much so that it comes to the point that there is nothing left to do but to retire Grady to his kennel.

I find myself defending him...

"He really is a good boy!"

"It's only when people come over!"

"He really likes baby ears but honestly, who doesn't?! You're telling me that you don't want to nibble them too?!"

But it's true. He scares lil ones (and sometimes big ones) regardless of where his heart may be.

It's tough though because for me when the children are at school and Scott is at work, I have a fantastic little friend that nonchalantly follows me around...mellow as mellow can be.

I'm going to keep working on it Grady. We'll find a way to contain some of that energy so you can be seen as the good boy you are. Not just to me.

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