Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Why do they call it a rest day?

I am loving training. I mean come on,

Mon-you run,
Tues-you run harder
Wed-you swim
Thurs-you bike
Fri-you swim
Sat-you run longer
Sun- you bike and run
Montuethurfrisatunday -you do housework.

I have to admit when "rest days" come around I feel like I should be able to put my feet up and do nothing. Then I remember how lucky I am to have to a family sacrificing all week long for me to be able to do such luxuries. For example, this does not float in my house... "Waah, I had to go for a bike ride." "Waah, I had to run faster than I usually do."

I am by NO means an exceptional athlete. To be honest I am not so sure that I am even worthy of the title of "athlete" at all. I have never connected myself to that word...until I met my husband. He obviously sees so much more in me than I could possibly see in myself. (Either that or he is OUT OF HIS MIND.)

Young Scott would guide Young Melissa on mountain bikes through road and trail. At 20 & 22 years old it was never what our bikes were designed to do but what we wanted to do with our bikes. Never competitive but the drive was always there. I will never forget when I first started running after Anna & Jane were born. I came home after a run and told Scott how difficult it felt but that I couldn't stop.

S- "I knew it! "You have it!"

M- "Gasp. Heave. Gasp. Have what?!?"

S- "The Stupid Gene!"


My husband thinks I'm stupid AAAND it's genetic.

When I was finally able to catch my breath, Scott explained what he likes to call "the stupid gene". Our natural reaction as human beings is to stop what we are doing the minute we feel discomfort (cough*spoiled*cough). Stupid Gene=Pushing through the Pain. Not super scientific but valid none the less.

Neither of us were fantastic athletes in school but watch out. Not only do we have the support of each other. We have the "Stupid Gene".

Is it wrong that on my rest day I took pictures rather than clean it up?

This isn't even the worst of it. Thank God my family is rolling with it. I am truly blessed.

Monday, April 26, 2010

damn hippies

How did you put up with us?

We were young.

We were far from perfect.

We were kids raising you to the best of our ability.

We grew together but you kept growing beyond our wildest dreams.

You are already so much more than we were at your age.

We stare at each other after you are in bed and wonder what we could have possibly done to deserve you.

You don't have to have children. That is your choice. But we really hope you do because your child will be fantastic!

If you do..


just maybe...

you will be able to fathom our love for you.

Julia at a Strangefolk festival

Saturday, April 24, 2010

opening day

We are not big baseball fans.

Scott and I are Boston born and raised and could care less about what is going on with The Sox.* Opening day for us is when the local ice cream shops open.

Down River just opened last year and their ice cream is to die for. They grow many of the ingredients on site in an organic garden that you can visit whilst you enjoy one of the many cool tasty treats that they have to offer. When we saw the "Open" flag hanging today let's just say the children weren't the only ones excited.

What is that you say? Down River is open for business? Let me grab a sweater!

Ice cream and tutus. Does it get any better?

*Disclosure: We are Tour de France freaks. Come July not only will we most likely not answer our phone but we may randomly scream "Allez!" at inappropriate times.

Sunday, April 18, 2010



or Plumber?

You decide.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

easter sunday

When I was a little girl Easter Sunday was my favorite day of the year.

For me Easter Sunday represents everything that I have been longing for after hibernating for a long cold winter.

I don't know what it is about this particular day, but every year when it comes around I notice how much my daughters have grown and realize that they will continue to do so. I've always thought that I would want to keep them "little girls" forever and in many instances they still are. However, watching them grow and flourish is so much more gratifying than I ever could have imagined. On this day I am reminded that they are a gift given not to keep for myself, but to love and nurture and to share with the world.

I think this is my favorite.

Chocolate kisses!

Who dyes super easter eggs? Why Super Woman of course!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

reality sets in

I ordered a "trisuit" in the mail. It came the other day.

Less than 6 weeks out.


Am I ready? I don't know, I've never done it.

I do know how I was raised and I'm hoping that is where my edge comes in.

Nature vs. Nurture

1 parent, 6 children, no money.

I can remember fighting for the last of the hot water. Who gets to shower today?
I don't want this post to be woe is me so I will leave it at that...I am a lucky woman.

Back to my point. The date is approaching. Am I scared? Hells ya! But when I put it all into perspective it ain't living off of powered milk.

To answer my own question...

Am I ready?

Ready as I'll ever be.