Tuesday, June 22, 2010

happy birthday to our beautiful anna!

7 years ago today anna eleanor graced our family with her presence.

she arrived when we least expected her but needed her most.

scott and I like to think that each of our daughters' names has a story.

anna's was chosen at a time when emotions were high and in memory of two wonderfully strong women that had recently passed before her.

today we can say without hesitation that these women are looking down on anna and they are so proud of the young lady she is and will continue to be.

plus they would think she's a hoot!

happy birthday to our beautiful anna (banana...I'm sorry I can't help myself).

happy birthday wishes

*I started a post last month on our fantastic "banana" in honor of her birthday. some things have come up that have required our attention as a family. but don't be surprised if you see a "super banana" post in the near future.

1 comment:

  1. Sending lots of wishes to you for a very Happy Birthday Anna!
    Best to everyone too ~ Rebecca
