Thursday, August 12, 2010

Reality Check

The Gloucester triathlon came and went. I think I did OK considering it was my second triathlon (first open water). The experience on a whole was great but made me realize that I definitely have swimming "issues".

I trained really hard and ended up in the middle of the field. Honestly, the biggest benefit I got out of the whole experience was appreciation of my family and friends.
My family knows I won't be on the podium yet wakes up at 5 am with me and stays till the bitter end. I don't know what I would have done without my great friend/training buddy Mary. She is an unbelievable yet unassuming athlete. Still trying to figure out what she doing hanging out with me. I would tell you to watch out for her but I get way to much enjoyment watching her "surprise" everyone.

The girls did the Essex Youth Tri the day before and they were A-MAZ-ING. (post on that to come!) Watching my girls have so much fun not worrying about transition times or splits and just doing what kids love to do naturally really puts it all into perspective.

Scott and I talk a lot. He supports me 100% but also keeps me grounded. When I get all worked up before a race all I have to do is look him in the eye and say, "It's not like this is going to feed our family". He LOVES this line (he told me so) because as much as he knows I love training/racing/pushing myself...I know my priorities.

So, this morning I woke up early to get my run out of the way. I spent the rest of the day with 3 fantastic young ladies. When their father got home we headed to Castle Hill where we listened to big band music, danced and enjoyed just being together.

I am one lucky girl and my numero uno priority is to never forget that.

The Statue of David has nothing the Whitten girls.

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