I have to admit when my coach switched up my training plan and wanted me to do a 7 mile fairly hilly race the day before my scheduled 19 mile long run I thought she was crazy.
Up until today my long runs have been kind of all over the place. I've had different running buddies (thank god for them) but have felt like I was either running a little to hard or a little too easy.
What is my pace?
What would happen if I ran on my own just going with how I felt?
What am I going to be able to do come October when I don't have a buddy?
So for the first time today I headed out for my long run solo.
My longest distance to date.
On tired legs.
When you talk to other runners you often hear of "defining runs". Runs that are ingrained in their mind. For the first time in my running career (and I use the word career VERY loosely) I had a defining run.
I felt strong.
I felt like I couldn't take another step.
I felt fantastic!
I wondered what the hell I was doing out running 19 miles when I could be home snuggled down with my girls.
I sang out loud when my favorite songs came on my ipod.
More than once I really just wanted a greasy cheeseburger.
At mile 17 I cried. I knew I was going to make it and thoughts of Scott & My Girls brought me to tears.

I will never forget you 19.
My first defining run.